services > risk management > identifying blind spots

identify blind spots

We have developed a detailed knowledge of the risk in the sector, which is constantly updated and built upon through:

. our study of risk materialisations in 41 associations over a one-year period
. ongoing client work with over 30 associations
. monitoring of the housing press
. a detailed study of all recent supervision cases
. reasons for awarding "amber" or "red" HCA grades since the process was introduced

We have captured the risk information listed above in our master demist database.

You can take advantage of the knowledge that we have built up by commissioning us to undertake a comparative review of your risk map against our master demist database.  Our review will:

. ensure that your risk map has good all-round coverage
. make recommendations for additional risks to be considered
. document the cause and consequences to assist with formulating risk management strategies
. produce a report for your board confirming that key risks are captured and being managed


words of wisdom

"Before you act consider; when you have considered, tis fully time to act."

Sallust - Roman historian & politician (86 BC - 34 BC)




Hargreaves Risk and Strategy