services > risk management

risk management

Risk management is a central area of expertise for Hargreaves Risk & Strategy and one where we can bring significant value to housing associations.

Risk management system - Our understanding of the key elements and attributes of a risk management system enables us to assess systems currently used by associations to ensure they are appropriate to the organisation's particular requirements.

Risk management database - We have developed a risk management database for use by associations and for capturing our own data on risks across the sector.

Identifying blind spots - Our risk data is comprehensive, derived from work with nearly 30 associations plus the Housing Corporation and banks that fund the sector.  We are therefore, in a strong position to review the risk map of an association and identify any blind spots or weaknesses.

Quantifying risks - We have developed a methodology for quantifying individual risks, which is essential for prioritisation and also for assessing their combined effect upon an association's business plan.  This enables an association to make meaningful decisions about its approach to risk management in the context of the overall appetite for risk.

Managing specific risks - We have detailed knowledge and expertise on many of the risks affecting the sector, either directly or through our network of associates, and can advise you on how to use your resources most effectively to manage these risks.

Reports - Our database systems can produce a wide range of reports to provide managers and board members with the information that they need on risks and how they are managed and controlled.

Embedding risk management - We can assist you with implementing a range of techniques to embed risk management into your ongoing processes.

Insurance policies - We can help you assess the appropriateness of your insurance arrangements, given the organisations appetite for risk and ability to withstand the impact of smaller losses.


words of wisdom

"First weigh the considerations, then take the risks"

Helmuth von Moltke




Hargreaves Risk and Strategy